
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Goodbye Taiwan

I've lived in Taiwan for almost 11 years and it has come time to head home!I will be leaving in January 2021 to move to Tucson Arizona.  So we will be posting a new blog called, surprisingly, "The Tucson Adventure."  I'm nothing, if not creative, that is for sure!  The blog will start as we prepare to move.  Things like

1.  Buying a House in Tucson while living in Taiwan. 
2.  Packing and shipping our whole life and all of our stuff to the US.
3.  Adjusting to a new place.
4.  Culture Shock in your own native country!

And anything else that comes to mind that seems interesting. 

I have decided in my retirement that I'm going to spend some part of the day writing - EVERY DAY.  Well, that's what I say now but we'll see. I have a couple of writing projects that I want to begin working on in addition to "The Tucson Adventure."  I'll reactivate the Standing Stones Blog and continue to add photos to "Taiwan Wildlife" (although it will probably transform into "Tucson Wildlife"!

I'm retiring so I don't want to make it a job, but I'll try to have at least one new post a week on each blog.  The resolve seems to be weakening already.  I went from a declaration, "I'm going to spend some part of each day writing," to "I'll try!"  What a wimp.  I won't let my resolve...dissolve!

1 comment:

  1. God bless on your new journey soon Pastor.
    Thank you for incredible blogs you'd share to us while staying there at Taiwan.
    I've been following your blog since I was in junior high school and now I'm working as a gov't employee in my hometown.
    Keep strong in faith. Surely, your work for God would not be in vain.
    Looking forward to what God has store as you move back to Tucson.
    God bless you Pastor!
