
Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Potter's House, Taoyuan: Goodbye to the Nied Family

I made this video for Scott and Melissa Nied and their family as they left Taoyuan City for Tucson Arizona. They had served as missionaries in both Mainland China and Taiwan for the last fifteen years. On Behalf of the church we appreciate their service and the people you see in these photoes are their legacy. We will do our best to continue to serve Taoyuan City.

When I created this video the sound worked well but for some reason as I uploaded it to Youtube the sound cuts off. I apologize for that.


  1. Hi Chris, you are really expert :) The video is very impressive and full of happiness and the real life in Taiwan. Could you please tell me what's the name of the music? I like it very much :D

  2. The song is calld "Thank you for giving to the Lord"

  3. Hello my name is Emily.
    Do you know Scott Nied Facebook or his son's Facebook?
    I'm a friend of his son Jonathan Reece and Elliott.
    Because they are immigrants back to the United States, so I can not find them.
    Can you please help me thank you very much.

  4. Emily, please send me a private message so I can respond, I don't want to put people's information on a public site.

  5. How can I pass a private message to you?

  6. Emily my email is cbanducci(at)gmail(dot)com
